Data Sources

    • Facilities - School Summaries
      Here we document the challenges many i3 schools face with their facilities (including disrepair, co-location with the closing school, and facility moves).
    • Facilities - Yearly Summaries
      Here we document the challenges many i3 schools face with their facilities (including disrepair, co-location with the closing school, and facility moves).
    • Barriers to Student and School Success - School's hindrances to student growth
      Hindrances: Respondents at CRM schools were asked to identify the factors that they felt created the greatest hindrances to their schools' academic growth. This table shows the areas that were most frequently identified across all CRM schools. Limitations: CRM schools describe the barriers that keep students from meeting academic targets.This table shows the factors that were most frequently identified at CRM schools.
    • Barriers to Student and School Success - Students' barriers to academic success
      Hindrances: Respondents at CRM schools were asked to identify the factors that they felt created the greatest hindrances to their schools' academic growth. This table shows the areas that were most frequently identified across all CRM schools. Limitations: CRM schools describe the barriers that keep students from meeting academic targets.This table shows the factors that were most frequently identified at CRM schools.
    • Cohesiveness Across the CRM Schools - School Summaries
      CREDO surveys schools about the unique opportunities and supports that i3 funding provides and the influence of i3 funds on school practices. We look for a sense of shared identity or purpose across the CRM schools.
    • Cohesiveness Across the CRM Schools - Yearly Summaries
      CREDO surveys schools about the unique opportunities and supports that i3 funding provides and the influence of i3 funds on school practices. We look for a sense of shared identity or purpose across the CRM schools.
    • Community Engagement - School Summaries
      The Community Engagement data provides insight into the CRM schools' approaches to engagement with the surrounding community, including efforts made during the school closure and turnaround process. Schools also describe their involvement with community resources to support the school.
    • Community Engagement - Yearly Summaries
      The Community Engagement data provides insight into the CRM schools' approaches to engagement with the surrounding community, including efforts made during the school closure and turnaround process. Schools also describe their involvement with community resources to support the school.
    • New Orleans Facilities Timeline - New Orleans Facilities by Year
      See how CRM schools in New Orleans moved to different facilities across the life of the study.
    • Family Coordinator Experience - Summary Statements
      Here we examine schools' capacity for family engagement based on whether they have dedicated and experienced staff in place to fulfill this role.
    • Family Coordinator Experience - Family Coordinator Experience
      Here we examine schools' capacity for family engagement based on whether they have dedicated and experienced staff in place to fulfill this role.
    • Family Engagement - School Summaries
      The Family Engagement data surveys how Closing, Flagship, and CRM schools viewed and approached parent and family engagement. Schools identify barriers to family engagement and we assess where schools struggle and succeed in regularly involving their students' families.
    • Family Engagement - Yearly Summaries
      The Family Engagement data surveys how Closing, Flagship, and CRM schools viewed and approached parent and family engagement. Schools identify barriers to family engagement and we assess where schools struggle and succeed in regularly involving their students' families.
    • Performance Management of Principals - School Summaries
      CREDO surveys school leaders about principal and school review practices, professional development opportunities, and CMO involvement in the performance management process.
    • Performance Management of Principals - Yearly Summaries
      CREDO surveys school leaders about principal and school review practices, professional development opportunities, and CMO involvement in the performance management process.
    • Performance Management of Teachers - School Summaries
      We examined at performance standards for teachers across CRM schools, teacher evaluation practices, and interventions for poor performance. Additionally, CRM staff were asked about the use of student performance results to inform professional development as well as CMO involvement in performance management.
    • Performance Management of Teachers - Yearly Summaries
      We examined at performance standards for teachers across CRM schools, teacher evaluation practices, and interventions for poor performance. Additionally, CRM staff were asked about the use of student performance results to inform professional development as well as CMO involvement in performance management.
    • Principal Skills and Experience - Yearly Summaries
      We assess the leadership experience and skills of CRM principals, including time spent preparing to open the CRM school and satisfaction with compensation and professional development.
    • Principal Skills and Experience - Leadership Skills and Experience
      We assess the leadership experience and skills of CRM principals, including time spent preparing to open the CRM school and satisfaction with compensation and professional development.
    • Reflections on School Performance and Operations - School Summaries
      Here we review the areas of operation in which schools focus their attention across the life of the CRM study. We assess whether schools have strong systems in place, how schools and CMOs evaluate these systems, and how processes evolve across time.
    • Reflections on School Performance and Operations - Yearly Summaries
      Here we review the areas of operation in which schools focus their attention across the life of the CRM study. We assess whether schools have strong systems in place, how schools and CMOs evaluate these systems, and how processes evolve across time.
    • School Culture - School Summaries: Student Population
      The School Culture data provides summaries across a broad spectrum of school practices, including mission and vision, behavior management, suspension and expulsion, challenges students face with culture, and student population changes.
    • School Culture - School Summaries: Student Behavior
      The School Culture data provides summaries across a broad spectrum of school practices, including mission and vision, behavior management, suspension and expulsion, challenges students face with culture, and student population changes.
    • School Culture - School Summaries: Expulsion
      The School Culture data provides summaries across a broad spectrum of school practices, including mission and vision, behavior management, suspension and expulsion, challenges students face with culture, and student population changes.
    • School Culture - Yearly Summaries
      The School Culture data provides summaries across a broad spectrum of school practices, including mission and vision, behavior management, suspension and expulsion, challenges students face with culture, and student population changes.
    • School Strengths
      Respondents at CRM schools nominated the top three strengths of their schools. Responses across all schools are shown in the chart below.
    • Special Education and Other Whole Child Supports - School Summaries
      School leaders and staff describe the efforts and challenges surrounding special education in CRM schools. CREDO assesses CRM schools' abilities to access SPED and other child-focused supports.
    • Special Education and Other Whole Child Supports - Yearly Summaries
      School leaders and staff describe the efforts and challenges surrounding special education in CRM schools. CREDO assesses CRM schools' abilities to access SPED and other child-focused supports.
    • Student Enrollment - School Summaries
      The qualitative Student Enrollment data examines schools' views on enrollment across the evaluation period, including whether or not they are able to meet enrollment goals and the roll-out of the New Orleans common application, One App.
    • Student Enrollment - Yearly Summaries
      The qualitative Student Enrollment data examines schools' views on enrollment across the evaluation period, including whether or not they are able to meet enrollment goals and the roll-out of the New Orleans common application, One App.
    • Student Recruitment and Retention - School Summaries
      We survey schools about student recruitment strategies in their first and second years of operation, including the effects of OneApp on recruitment in New Orleans.
    • Student Recruitment and Retention - Yearly Summaries
      We survey schools about student recruitment strategies in their first and second years of operation, including the effects of OneApp on recruitment in New Orleans.
    • Teacher Burnout - School Summaries
      CREDO looks at teachers' work-life balance and views of job sustainability in schools second through fourth years of operation.
    • Teacher Burnout - Yearly Summaries
      CREDO looks at teachers' work-life balance and views of job sustainability in schools second through fourth years of operation.
    • Teacher Recruitment - School Summaries
      CREDO reviews teacher hiring and recruitment strategies and challenges at CRM schools and considers how these evolve across the life of the study.
    • Teacher Recruitment - Yearly Summaries
      CREDO reviews teacher hiring and recruitment strategies and challenges at CRM schools and considers how these evolve across the life of the study.
    • School Leadership Turnover - School Leadership by Year
      This table illustrates leadership turnover at the CRM schools across the first five years.